A few client comments...

          "I am an attorney with more than 25 years experience.  I hired Mr. Bell to represent me in my own case.  After a 5 day jury trial, and simply brilliant lawyering, the jury returned a verdict in my favor.  Mr. Bell is a gem as a lawyer and a person"   
(Phil Gunning, Esq.)

          "Allen Bell represented me in a traffic accident case, which I won, and later in a criminal case, which I also won.  I highly recommend him to everyone I know"  (Lee T.)    

          "Our client's liability insurance carrier agrees to pay its policy limits of $300,000 in settlement of all claims of (name omitted) arising out of the incident...."  (Dale H. Thayer, Esq.)

letter from client:

          "I wanted to once again Thank you for all that you did for me.  I am now quite aware of all the hard work and extra's you did for me throughout my case and I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you did for me.  You gave me the opportunity to make a better life for myself and I wont ever forget your generosity.  Not only did you continue to fight for me when everyone else thought I should just give were also my biggest advocate.  When my own insurance companies attorney deserted me you were still there and it wasn't even your responsibility!!   When thinking of all the things that could of happened if I never had you to defend me, I feel utterly determined to make something of the life you gave back to me.  

          You are the reason I decided to work in the legal field.  Hopefully one day I will have the opportunity, means and know all to be able to help someone as you did for me"  (Delyn S.)

          "I have known Mr. Bell as an attorney, colleague and friend for over 19 years.  He is not only an exceptionally talented and brilliant jurist, he is forthright and honest and sincerely cares about his clients.  I have referred many friends to Mr. Bell, all of whom were very pleased with his representation.  I have also consulted with him myself on many occasions and rely on his vast knowledge and trial experience.  I recommend Mr. Bell to anyone looking for the best"  (Cathy Pilliod, Esq.)

          "...we hereby accept your demand and will tender our policy limits of $100,000..." (Kurt Yaeger, Esq)

        " Allen, you took my case after two attorneys read the police report and said it could not be won.  You were the only one who drove to the scene of the accident to see what happened, found witnesses, drove to the police station and met with the police officers who investigated the accident, hired an investigator and accident reconstruction expert and did more hard  work than I can ever tell you.  I will never forget you.  My family will forever be greatful."   ( Amount won $500,000.00)  



Dear Mr. Bell, 

You did it!  From the moment I met you I knew you were the only attorney who could handle this case.  Two others said it couldn't be won.  But you did win!  I can never thank you enough for standing by me (Leah)

Hey Allen,

I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work you put into my case.  It was greatly appreciated! I don't know what I would have done if it weren't for you, so thanks again!!  (Kelli)

(testimonials or endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter)